Friday, September 7, 2007

The Move


I've been dealing with insomnia these days and I've been looking for something to do, since I can't sleep. Writing has always given me pleasure so I decided to move my blog here in the hope that I will blog more.

It's a Friday night and I have no plans. Ain't it a crime for a reasonably atractive twenty-something to be home alone with nothing to look forward to but home baked-cookies and Warcraft? Come on people, ask me out! *lol, totally shameless*

There's been an epidemic of birthdays recently so here goes:-

To Mummy, Eelaine Tong, Chin Ming, CM's Mum, Bev, Amanda, Ern Loong and all the people I'm SURE I forgot,


From: The girl who can't sleep.

All the best, y'all!


Mel said...

You could try knitting me a scarf that you have promised to since 2004? =p

Siao Hui said...

I AM!! It's an epic WIP, lol.. Safe flight to UK, babe!

Ju$t m3 said...

haha i just found ur blog, so.. thanks for the bday wishes babe!! =)