Friday, September 7, 2007

Three What?!!

Originally posted on Aug 7 2006 on my Friendster blog.

You REALLY have to read the previous post before reading any further.

Anyway, I had just came out of my 9am killer tutorial and dazedly made my way to where I was supposed to be next, still trying to wake up. Who should I meet but HER once I got where I was going.

Me: Hey.. (flopping into a chair)

Her: (all big eyes and huge grin) Guess what I did on the weekend!!

Me: Don't tell me you met up with the mop (a story worthy of its own post).

Her: No...

Me: Then was it (name of 7 times guy)?

Her: No!

Me: Well?

Her: I had a THREESOME!

Me: ... (I woke up. Good thing I was sitting down)

Her: On the weekend, me and Friend 4 and F3 (from the previous post) went out dancing and I had a few drinks! And THEN, I got pilled, and the..

Me: Whoa whoa hang on, PILLED?

Her: I took ecstacy, and ended up in a threesome!! F3, F4 and I all went to their warehouse style apartment and yeah...

Me: Were you the meat or part of the bun? (perversely curious)

Her: Actually, I wa...

Me: Hang on, I really don't want to know... (brain finally kicks in) Waitaminit, you mean F3 and F4 were there?!??

Her: Oh, they didn't take anything, It was just me! They were downstairs and I was in the bedroom with these full length windows that were wide open and a great balcony..

Me: *blinking fast*

Her: My devil factor just shot through the roof, didn't it? (happy grin)

Me: A little... I think....Maybe...

Her: O-M-G, she was HOT. She was like 22 and he was like, 40.

Me: Right. Why, then? Or didn't you know he was part of the deal?

Her:Oh well. Not that it matters anyway, we got interrupted by their friends half-way through! (erupts into amused laughter)

Me: Hokay...

Sigh. Isn't it nice to be liberated? Most likely to be continued...

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