"Nani suru desuka?"
I have downloaded and watched so much anime that I can understand and speak basic Japanese.

Reason 2:
I am learning to write Elvish. Yes, Tolkien Elvish. And I even think it's cool ^^
Excuse the bad handwriting.
Scenario 3:
I play games. I loved SimCity, Civilisation 4, all of the Heroes of Might and Magic, all of the Monkey Island, all of The Sims etc. I still have my character from Diablo II, a level 44 Necromancer. And I play the mother of all MMORPGs, World of Warcraft (The Burning Crusade).
Note: I am writing this on Tuesday night, which is when all servers are offline for maintenance. Guess what I would be doing otherwise?
Disclaimer: That is not my character. It's Chee Mun's character, some time ago. And he's posing in front of a dungeon boss. I don't know why...
Scenario 4:
Last week, I was at a potluck dinner and the people just so happened to be evenly split, 4 girls and 4 guys. The host for the evening took part in the annual Run for the Kids marathon last year and had kept his participant's number. It was displayed prominently and someone enquired about it. His number was 13372.
'1337' is gamer-speak for 'leet', or 'elite'. The number '2' makes it spell 'too elite', which was why he hung on to the number. And I was the only other person there who knew that.
Sigh. I am such a geek.
70 Human Destruction Warlock
"Heal me, I'm gonna seed those suckas"