Thursday, April 10, 2008

Impromptu Wish List 2008

Personal note: I am pleased to announce that I have been engaged since 30 Dec 2007. :D Tentatively, we're looking at early 2011 for the big day. Why wait so long? Don't ask...

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present my wishes, in no particular order.

A politically stable Africa and Middle East.

Peace and harmony across all races, religions and nations.

A clean, renewable and affordable energy source.

To weigh what I did when I was 17.

A strong environmental and social conscience for all Fortune 500 companies.

Ditto for all governments.

Clean air, water and food.

Unlimited super high speed internet.

A monthly $1500 Chadstone shopping voucher.

Cures for all life threatening diseases.

Families of love and harmony.

No hunger, no poverty, no suffering.

Socialites that wear underwear.

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